Region: Iceland
Region (more exact): southern Iceland and just southwest of Vatna Glacier. (see pictures page)
Date of Eruption: June 8th, 1783 to early February 1784(eruption lasted for about 8 months also)
Location: 20deg. W 65deg. N
Type: Fissure
Eruptive Material: Lava-Steam-Gases-Acid Rain
Height:2,684 ft high, 828m.
Damage: 9,350 people were killed. Loss of cattle resulted
in starvation. The poisoning was caused by sulfurous gases. The poisoning killed crops and livestock. This
lead to the Haze famine. The Haze famine killed 20% of Iceland's population. The eruption of Laki in 1783 is
said to be the greatest lave eruption in historical times.
Economic Impact: Cattle were killed from eruption and poisoning.
Because the cattle were killed it impacted the lives of people who needed the cattle to survive and make money.
any Studies Being Done?: People have been studying this volcano to find out why it erupted, and if it will ever erupt again.
Laki runs in a northeast southwest direction (see pictures page)
Amount of Lava Extruded: Most commonly accepted amount of Lava extruded was 2.95 cubic miles. All of this
Lava covered about 220 square miles.
Risk For Future: Possible
Eyewitness Reports: Because this volcano erupted over
200 years ago, there are no eyewitness reports to be found.